Pet Doors

Ahhh the great outdoors. No, wait – indoors. Yeah outdoors! No, indoo – hey, it’s a pet’s prerogative.

One of the more popular product/service combinations we offer involve pet doors (aka ‘doggie doors’). Many pet owners want to offer their pets the freedom to enter and exit the house at will without having to act as their personal doorman. Where there is demand there’s usually supply, and there are different solutions available to meet this need for a variety of those fortunate pets with a personal gateway. Chances are, we’ve probably seen most of them.

Pet Door Panels

A common situation we encounter is a damaged pet door panel system. This type of pet door system uses a removable panel that is fastened to one end of a sliding glass patio door opening. The pet door opening is located at the bottom of the panel and the patio door can be closed up against a side of the panel. It is often made out of a thin sheet of metal like aluminum, providing little rigidity and effectively reducing any thermal efficiency that the patio door might offer. It’s also pretty ugly. Damaged panels are often the result of a pet running into the panel, having outgrown the opening in some cases. A tall, thin panel kept in place by springs is no match for an eager pooch, or two, or three, or all of them at once.

Function AND Form

Damaged panels aside, there are other reasons why pet owners look for alternative pet door solutions to the pet panel. One that tops the list is aesthetically motivated. Pet owners simply want to reclaim their patio door, all of it. Another reason is thermal efficiency. Keeping the heat in, and the cold wetness out is a serious factor here in the San Francisco Bay Area. And along the lines of keeping things out, unwanted critters – criminals included – can be included as some undesirable elements within one’s living space. So security becomes an important factor when considering a pet door.

Pet doors help owners to…

  • Reclaim their patio door – ALL of it

  • Keep the heat in, and the cold & wetness out

  • Keep all critters out

Problem Solved

The perfect solution is to train your pet to open and close the door on their own, being careful to lock it behind them once inside. We don’t offer that, but our solutions get pretty close. Pets come in a variety of types, sizes, temperaments and living conditions.

So each pet owner’s situation is assessed before suggesting a solution.

Most cases will involve either an in-glass or in-wall pet door. An in-glass pet door calls for the opening to be placed right in the glass panel of the sliding door, while the in-wall installation places the opening through an exterior wall of the building. In both cases, the pet door frame and assembly is secured within the opening.

MaxSeal Pet Doors

MaxSeal is a specific type of product by Security Boss. Security Boss Manufacturing, LLC is the leading manufacturer of high performance pet doors.